Royal Q Robot Review: Is it safe , or is it a fraud?
Royal Q Robot Review: Is it safe , or is it a fraud?
If you have just gone into the cryptocurrency sector, then you will realize there is a distinct universe with various options and tools. Of course, there are tools. One of these is the crypto trading bot which could ease the burden for traders and speculators alike.
Disclaimer The fact that I am not an financial advisor or Crypto Expert. Any opinions expressed in this blog are based on my own personal experience. It's to be used for educational purposes only.
Photo by Executium on Unsplash
With so many people dependent on the bots for trading crypto every day, developers are coming up w/ fraudulent tools to simplify the trading market, and the majority of them will result in losses in trading.
And , in recent times it's become a source of controversy surrounding"the" Royal Q robot which has attracted a lot attention due to its profit. We'll soon find out whether this bot is profitable or not. I have been trading with this bot for the past two months . Therefore, I'm qualified to show you the way this platform works and give you my first impression, analytics and the whole experience.
The first thing to know is the reason why it has gained so the attention it has received?
Royal Q's intuitive interface.
Excellent Referral system that earns an ongoing passive income.
Mobile app for bot cryptocurrency trading.
Integration integration Binance applications and Huobi for trading.
A low cost commission and one-time activation charges make it a great choice for everyone.
Yeah, that's a whole many pros. Then, I'm sure to say from my own experience to say that Royal Q is not a fraud.
What is Royal Q?
Royal Q is an automated trading online platform for cryptocurrency which trades on your behalf through your Binance or Huobi account through API settings.
Since its launch in 2017, the software for speculative investing supports more than 50 of the most popular crypto types that can be traded, including trustworthy companies with a global presence.
Additionally, investors do not need to have any expertise in trading to purchase or sell their products on the crypto market so that makes it a great option for beginners.
How to register and activate RoyalQ bot with Binance API step by step guide
First Impression:
To my delight, my initial impressions were rather good. No Gummy colors, no Egyptian Hieroglyphs interface for users, everything was as easy like tap water. It was simple, clean as well as easy to comprehend and so I signed up fast after which I decided to explore Chat support. I addressed a few technical questions regarding the development of crypto.
The support team responded within 5 minutes, and provided a straightforward kind, honest, almost fatherly type of advice. I feel astonished because I made use of this chat platform on several other cryptocurrency exchange platforms and in fact, I'm still growing a long beard waiting for answers on the other platforms. Other platforms that tried to respond just gave me vague responses, nonsense, insignificant, or just downright silly.
Overall Summary of Royal Q:
Royal Q is an authentic bot platform , which is integrated with Binance and Huobi and has an 80:20% profitability ratio. (Royal Q will take 20% of your money and earns 20% profit)
Continuous income is guaranteed with an active monitoring system that operates 24/7. the customer only has to activate the trading feature by investing $140 and then the automated systems can take over. ($120 for a year's subscription , with the remainder $20 for gas fuel)
The deposit limit for those who want to make use of the system lies between $100 to $15,000 ( Deposit $1000-$2000 in your Binance or Huobi account so your bot will be able to trade it)
RoyalQ does not have access to your Binance and Huobi account. The bot's trades are only made from your account. You don't have to be worried.
The win rate for all transactions in the app is 97%, which is very remarkable.
What is the process?
One thing that I noticed was that the risk of trading is significantly lower when using Royal Q because the trading robots are extremely efficient and smooth.

There are two ways that people can earn money through Royal Q.
Trading Cryptocurrency
Affiliate (Referral)
Our main goal is to have the bot make profit for us via quantitative trading. So for getting started with trading, royal q robot ojk 'll first need create an account on RoyalQ's official site, and then link it to the Binance and Huobi API so that it can perform the trade on your account with no human interaction. In addition, the Royal Q platform doesn't have any access to your deposit money , making it more safe for you.
After you've created your account, all you need to do is take a break and enjoy a cup of coffee as this bot will trade cryptocurrency for you depending on the amount of capital you have and the ROI ranges from 20-50% per month , based on your trading preferences . compound interest.
This is a graphic of my earnings for the week before.
Apart from trading, Royal Q's affiliate program will be something to further into. It's not your typical "bring a friend, get a one-time reward" program that many exchanges and other services operate. By the way they've designed the structure, you can really think of making a business model around this entry point. Then there is the reality that the program is the most advanced industry-wide by definition.
To begin, the program comes with six different types of referral levels. For those who are not familiar, this program has no precedent in the field; I'm not going to name names, but some "B"-type platforms have either one or two, and the rest is done. Here you can grow your orchard with as large a number of branches and roots according to your own imagination to.
In the initial level you'll earn a 30 percent instant commission on each person you recommend and receive a small commission on their trades. As a result, the commissions rise as referral volume increases.
So , this platform is one of the best referral systems to generate an income that is passive while your bot trade 24*7 and generates profits. Sounds good?
Learn how to register and then activate RoyalQ bot step-by-step

How to Get Started on Royal Q
To start, click here. It's a simple 3 step procedure.
1) Create an Account
To sign up for an account, you just need to enter your email address. Then, click send verification number to receive the password in your email address and then create a password. Then, click the registration button to continue.
After that, you'll be able to download the application. Be sure to sign-up for an account and then download the app with the official permissions from.
2) Make sure you activate your account
Log into your account once you have finished installing the application on your mobile device to ensure that you are able to activate your account.
Select "Mine" on the app after which go to "asset" where you will see an "deposit".
Make a copy of your Royal Q wallet address on the deposit section so you are able to transfer $ 140 (TRC-20) to the wallet address . Then, you can activate the account clicking on activate.
3) API Binding in Binance
After you've activated the account, you'll need to link your bot with either your Binance as well as Huobi account.
If you don't have an Binance account or account, you can set one up here.
Begin by opening your Binance account, then go to More -> Other API Management
Create API by writing "ROYAL Q" and then click on the button to create.
After that , click edits. This you can set the API's parameters.
The only box you'll mark for ticking are "Enable Reading" and "Enable Spot & Margin Trading." The remainder of the boxes will remain untickable
Make copies of the API key as well as the secret key on this page.
Go through the Royal Q app and click API binding - Binance and add it to Binance.
Congrats!! Your bot is now ready to trade.
Make sure that there is at least USDT within your Binance account. If you do not then you should deposit it so it can trade on it. The range of $100 to 2000 is the best to startoff, but you could begin with just $100. However, it is entirely up to the individual.
4) Start Trading
Let's trade. Open your app and then click on "Quantitative" just right to the main page.
There's a wide selection of pairs on this site. Choose the best one according to your preference before clicking "start".
To see your daily earnings, just click on "Revenue" on the home.
How to register and activate RoyalQ bot using Binance API step by step guide
If you're experiencing any issues or require help contact us to us using the RoyalQ chat feature. If you want to chat with us, just need to log into the RoyalQ app, click on "news" and then click on "My Counselor" and then you'll see CashCrawl there as your counselor. You can then chat